3 Common Dental Emergencies for Athletes

March 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — millerwolfdental @ 2:28 pm
football and equipment

Playing contact sports like football, hockey, and rugby can put your oral health at risk. Athletes who play these sports often take blows to the face or mouth, which can cause dental injuries. While this is all part of the game, not wearing the right smile protection can put your beam at risk. Read on to learn about three of the most common dental emergencies that athletes may face.

#1: Cracked Teeth

When playing sports that involve pucks, racquets, sticks, balls, bats, or physical contact, be extra cautious of injuries to your teeth. A blow to the face can result in a cracked or fractured tooth. Craze lines are cracks on the surface that do not usually pose a threat to your oral health. However, if the cracks start at the chewing surface and extend downward, this is considered a dental emergency. Some symptoms that you should look out for include:

  • Pain while drinking and eating, especially hot or cold things
  • Sharp pain when you bite down
  • Frequent toothaches

#2: Tooth Intrusion

Intrusion injuries occur when a tooth is forcefully pushed back into the jawbone. This can happen to athletes of all ages but is more common in baby teeth. This kind of injury can lead to complications, such as root reabsorption and the destruction of the tooth pulp.

Intrusion injuries can also cause ankylosis. This is when the roots of a tooth fuse to the alveolar bone. This can also happen after other types of dental trauma. Ankylosis can make it difficult or impossible to move the tooth, and can lead to pain and infection.

#3: Fractured Tooth Roots

A blow to the face can fracture the root of a tooth, causing a crack to form that extends from the root to the crown. Since the root is hidden beneath the gum line, it may not be visible until an infection develops. Root canal therapy can get rid of the infection and prevent it from spreading, and this may save the tooth from extraction.

How Athletes Can Prevent Dental Emergencies

Even though your emergency dentist will do what they can to help if one of the above issues occurs, it’s best to do what you can to avoid them in the first place. A few precautions athletes can take to avoid dental emergencies include:

  • Wear a mouthguard – While over-the-counter mouthguards can provide some protection, a custom-made mouthguard is the best way to ensure proper protection from injuries while playing sports.
  • Wear a helmet – Wearing a helmet when playing sports will create an extra barrier between your face and anything flying toward it. It will help protect your teeth and other facial bones from injury.
  • Practice proper oral hygiene – Though this isn’t specific to athletes, it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day.
  • Get regular dental checkups – This will allow your dentist to check for any problems with your teeth and gums to treat them promptly to prevent dental emergencies.

About the Practice

Miller & Wolf Family Dentistry, led by Drs. Paul Miller, Rudy Wolf, and Gwen Hooks, is a family-oriented dental practice located in Altavista. They provide emergency dental services, which can be helpful for athletes who experience dental injuries during games. To set up an appointment with Dr. Miller, Dr. Wolf, or Dr. Hooks or for more information on Miller & Wolf Family Dentistry’s services, visit their website or call their office at (434) 324-8241 today.

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